Get Involved With Your Organizing Campaign Today
Unions are about representing all employees and it will take all of us working together to realize success. With everyone working as a team, we can bring about and win a union representation election, then negotiate a collective bargaining agreement. With 11 different branches and the admin office involving approximately 200 employees, there is plenty of work to do. Here’s how you can help:
- Sign a card. You can submit an electronic version at or get a hard copy by contacting the IAM Union Organizer Bridget Fitzgerald by email,; call/text 301-213-4189.
- Talk to your friends and coworkers when you are off-the-clock about why you think a union would be good for HCPL employees. It’s important to point out that a union contract protects the good things about HCPL and gives employees an opportunity to improve other areas.
- Encourage your friends and coworkers to join you in signing a card. If they have questions, help them get in touch with Bridget, or encourage them to attend an information meeting.
- When there’s a union representation election, make sure you vote, “YES!”
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